Why Join Us

Continuous learning, self development opportunities and work life balance are just a few reasons that make TPSG a progressive platform for professionals. Our safe environment, gender neutral policies and employee focus make us an employer of choice.


Personalized mentoring, exposure to international business practices, competitive salaries and a comprehensive appraisal system gives you a perfect platform for career development. Team collaboration, knowledge sharing and an opportunity to interact with a diverse client base will enrich your professional life while a systematic and transparent career progression plan helps you chart your progress.


Regular training sessions, weekly technical training, interaction with experts through internal clinics & seminars and a host of group outings combine work with fun while a dynamic environment helps you build confidence and hone your personal abilities at TPSG.


We believe in maintaining a balance between your personal and professional priorities. Each team is adequately staffed and assignments are evenly spread. We make perpetual efforts to recharge your batteries and break monotony in work by organizing monthly recreation events, besides annual picnic, movies, dinners, etc. Flexi time options and a forum for free and open dialogue offer a perfect setting to get to know and respect one another.


TPSG is committed to providing a safe, gender sensitive work place which is conducive to free flow of ideas. Gender neutral and progressive HR policies combined with a vibrant environment that promotes self-development ensure that over 40% of a work force, comprising women.